Friday, January 7, 2011

Tis the Reason for the Season

Thank you... Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and read my thoughts...

I have never been a journaler.  Some people use journaling as a stress relief, to help them think through their fuzzy thoughts, what have you.  For me, journaling has always been very difficult to do, so, well, I just have never done it.  But I am in a new place in life now and feel that writing out my thoughts and emotions may help me to become more in tune with my own self - to maybe use this blog as a way to write out all that is in my mind, to lay out my struggles, confusions, frustrations, excitements, and to free myself up to hear the Lord more clearly.  I also want a place to record the joys, hardships, milestones and life of my family.

So... thank you for being willing to read about my journey.  Thank you in advance for your grace over me as I speak honestly, allow my emotions to be raw from time to time, and possibly repeat or rehash things.

For those of you that do not know me - my name is Alicia  :0)  I am 31 years old, have been married to my best friend Kevin for almost 9 years, battled with infertility for 5 years, now have two miracle babies (Adrianna, 20 months & Carson, 3 months), I have a disorder called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), have a propensity to be a control freak, enjoy organizing anything, have a physical "need" to research anything and everything, and have no natural ability to "be still".  Yet over the last 6 months, God allowed me to become a mother to an amazing little boy, and through that motherhood journey, He has worked on me to become still (some times), to realize that so much in life is out of my control, forcing me to lean on Him as I have no strength within myself, and helping me to find joy in things that are precious, fragile and miraculous.

I am beginning now to formulate in my mind, my very next post.... about my amazing son.  But I wanted to take this time to just say why I have decided to begin this blog, whether or not its read by anyone other than myself.

Here goes nothing.........

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, it is such a blessing to my heart to know that you are so in love with God and your family. Every time I read about one of my former students who is still seeking God and who is very much in love with God, I can't help but wanting to shout hallelujah.
