Monday, December 12, 2011

"Here is a baby with eyes of blue, straight from heaven, right to you." ~ Mr. Stork

I've been watching a lot of cartoon movies over the last 2 1/2 years..... one of the perks of having a toddler!

Recently I've watched two movies from the 40's and 60's that deal with a child that is different.... Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Adrianna's current favorite) and Dumbo both depict a sweet, innocent child that is "different".  Its been strange what emotions have brewed up from watching these movies.  A few specific things have stuck out in my mind....

#1. The children do not know that they are different, until the "adults" in their lives make them feel different.

#2. The parents go through extreme measures to protect their child from the cruelties of this world.  (Sadly in Rudolph, his father actually feeds the cruel measures a bit).

#3. In the end, these children show how truly amazing they are!!!

Its funny how I've watched both of these movies in the past but never truly "felt" anything while watching them... yes, we all feel bad for Dumbo; we all feel a bit sad for Rudolph... but it wasn't until having my precious boy who is "different" that I truly had a heart and an understanding for Dumbo, for Rudolph, and their families.  Its funny how a movie - even ones made out of clay and paint - and produced decades ago - can impact me today.

When I watch the endings of these two movies, and see Dumbo fly high in the sky and show himself to be a true entertainer - and to see Rudolph hitched to Santa's sleigh and lead Santa and the others reindeer - I am excited and hopeful to see what Carson is going to do - to see how God is going to use his "differences" to make a HUGE SPLASH!  Awesome!

And thank you Mr. Stork for saying it so eloquently... "Here is a baby with eyes of blue, straight from heaven, right to you."

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