Friday, October 5, 2012

Enthusiasm as a Skill

Grumpy man on his 2nd B-day
For 13 weeks now, Carson has been battling with sinus congestion that has left his energy depleted and him crabby.  Thankfully this last week, we've seen some small breakthroughs and really hope we are on our way to recovery.

His energy really perked up yesterday!  Carson had a good day!  Carson's only independent mobility so far, is while on his back on the floor, he kicks and rocks to his side so much that he turns himself in circles.  He might not 'go anywhere' but he just loves to move himself and it is hilarious to watch.  He had a renewed sense of energy yesterday and his circles were even more exaggerated.  It was great to watch.

Loves playing on the ground!
THEN, he chose to surprise me and our PT, Lori, with rolling over to his tummy!!!!  We have not witnessed him completely-independently rolling in forever!!!!!  I had to contain my scream of excitement as to not startle him  :)

On top of that, Carson was extremely verbal yesterday!  Even daddy was commenting all night on his talking.  Even twice during dinner, I would say "mmm mmm good", and he would repeat with a similar "mmm mmm mmm" version.  It was so wonderful to hear.

>>>>>My point of this post, other than just to brag..................

I have been reading a book called "Kids Beyond Limits" by Anat Baniel.  She is the founder of the Anat Baniel Method.  It is a therapy that is very different from other 'alternative therapies' out there.  We are attending a one-day workshop with Anat soon and then we are going to try out ABM sessions with a local practitioner   

What hit me hard this morning, was reading the '9 Essentials' chapter on Enthusiasm (her work is based on 9 Essentials that she's found with working with those with special needs).  She goes on to say that she isn't just talking about the Enthusiasm that comes naturally from really enjoying something, or being a fan of something... She is talking about "Enthusiasm as a skill that you can develop within yourself, one that you will apply in the service of helping your child overcome his limitations.... Enthusiasm as a skill is your ability and your willingness to acknowledge as important, the smallest of changes in your child, and for you to experience joy, internally celebrating those events or actions..... In that respect, Enthusiasm is not about paying compliments.... nor is it about clapping your hands to applaud something your child has accomplished .. but developing your ability to create and amplify your own internal experience of deep delight and appreciation for your child's tiniest changes and improvements."

This paragraph knocked me in the head and in the heart.... though my response isn't exactly what Anat was trying to convey, never-the-less, my heart was moved.  For many parents of special needs kiddos, it can be an internal struggle to outwardly brag, praise and share, the tiny accomplishments of your child.  Sometimes its due to fear - fear that your child will regress, fear that others with expect those accomplishments to become bigger accomplishments setting unrealistic expectations at that time.  Sometimes there is a sort of 'sadness' in only being able to find joy in the small things, instead of being able to rejoice in the 'typical milestones' of your friends.  Whatever the reason, I know that I struggle, and a few of my SN mommy friends, struggle with sharing and bragging about the "smallest of changes in my child".  

Then I think of God my father.  It is clear to me, that God rejoices, has enthusiasm for his children, even in our tiniest of changes and accomplishments.  The Bible says He delights in us!

So, reading the wise words of Anat of not just outwardly praising Carson, but working on the 'skill' of experiencing deep delight and appreciation for the 'tiniest changes' - and remembering that God delights in me his child, even in the little things.... I want to work on sharing my Enthusiasm!  I find its easier to post prayer request needs on Facebook, with my 'community', then it is to share the small accomplishments in Carson's life.... I am planning to change that.  So be prepared Facebook friends, lots of Enthusiastic sharing about Carson is to follow!!!  :)


  1. YAY CARSON!!! I would LOVE to enthusiastically help you celebrate every TINY step:) I think your bravery will also help spread encouragement for those faithfully praying for Carson and the family. We (I) see even the tiniest of things as answers to prayer and it's exciting to be reminded that God IS working ALL the time. Even in "just" small ways:)

  2. I happened across your blog and so glad I did.. Carson is beautiful! Both your children are beautiful..I love all the pics. I really
    enjoyed reading about Carson vocalizing more and rolling over! AWESOME. I'm mom to a daughter who was severe spastic quad CP, so I know what it is to rejoice with the smallest of miracles. I viewed every smile my daughter gave me as a miracle, as that was all she had to give me was her smiles of comfort and recognition. And yes, you're so right, God IS working ALL the Time! I'm a witness to 27 years of Divine Intervention and Guidance! I wanted to tell ya, if you ever want to connect with a large network of other CP families, we'd love for you to visit and share your family with ours @ Cerebral Palsy Family Network. We're always thrilled to have guest bloggers and, would love to know of the progress Carson is making. You can also find us on Facebook and on Pinterest. Hope you revisit soon and give us an update! Best wishes.
