Monday, March 28, 2011

My beautiful bobbly eyed boy.

Tonight I was exhausted after grocery shopping.... not because of the shopping, but emotionally.

Yesterday we attended my nephew's 11th birthday party.  When we were leaving, one of the kids saw Carson's eyes moving all over (Carson has Nystagmus which is just involuntary eye movement) and said "look at his eyes, how weird" or something to that affect.  I did not hear it or witness it; I was just told about it by a few family members that witnessed it.

I thought about if I had been there, I could have used that time to just explain to the boy that Carson is blind and his eye muscles aren't very strong yet so they bobble around when he is trying to see.  No big deal.  I have had plenty of people ask me why Carson's eyes bobble the way they do.  I actually enjoy the questions and love to be able to talk about our little man.... both as a way to brag about him, but also just to make people aware.

Tonight at Winco, a nice older man came over and asked how old Carson was.  After talking for a couple minutes, Carson's visual impairment and brain injuries came up.  He asked some questions, responded nicely and we went our separate ways.

Later as we were checking out, the very nice checker kept commenting on how he was fighting sleep (he was opening and shutting his eyes trying to doze off).  While his eyes were open, his eyes were really bobbling.  The lady kept trying to make the fighting off sleep comments and scanning our groceries.  She also kept looking at him out of the corner of her eyes.... wanting to see what his eyes were doing but probably feeling too embarrassed to say anything.  I saw her discomfort and her wondering but I said nothing.  Typically I will make a comment that he's blind but tonight, I was just too tired.......

Too tired to go into it, too tired to explain.... and then I was just plain tired that I even have to explain anything sometimes...

Tonight I'm tired....  tomorrow I'm sure I'll be better and feeling positive about answering any and all questions, or dealing with inquisitive or strange glares from people.  But for tonight, I'd like to feel a little self-pity, so thanks for reading  :0)

Thankfully, Carson loves to snuggle!!!  There isn't a place he enjoys more, than resting his head and body on my chest.  After an emotional grocery shopping experience, at least I got to end my day cuddling with my beautiful-bobbly-blue-eyed boy!   :0)

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